Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Story of Long-Term Memeory.

Long-Term Memory is the third stage of memory. Long-term memory can hold an unlimited amount of information, and can hold information permanently. There are different types of long-term memory, and depending on the type of memory we have its organized into this subdivision. Typically we have Explicit Memory, and Implicit Memory. Explicit memory holds memories that have conscious recall, so it would hold things like facts, what high school you went to, or a friend’s favorite color. Implicit Memory stores memory without conscious recall, this memory would store things like motor skills, and condition responses.

My Long-Term memory is a lot better than my short term memory. Personally I think the reason behind this is because I take many measures to move anything in my sort-term to my long term. For example I write notes, read my text books, and rewrite definitions in my own words, or try to relate them back to my own life. I’m also very good at remembering certain child hood memories, and a lot of the time I’m the only one who remembers them because they typically seem so insignificant to other people. The best example I can come up with, is I can remember certain events that happened and my aunts farm, whereas my cousin Kara (who is older than me) has completely forgotten our aunt use to have a farm.

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