Sunday, April 1, 2012

Kara's Conditioning

My cousin Kara (who will be mentioned a few times) has conditioned me to have a certain response to sea weed. When we were younger, my grandparents owned a cottage and because we are so close in age we would always go together. We spent massive amounts of time together, and spending massive amounts of time with Kara is a bad Idea. As you will see later in the blog. One summer while swimming in the lake, Kara told me this horrible story about sea weed. The story now is completely ridiculous, but at the time it was completely logical.

The story basically as I recall, was about a young boy who was playing in a boat when he fell into the water. Upon falling into the water, the seaweed came alive and grabbed his ankles and pulled him under the water where it proceeded to drown him.

I was convinced of a few things at that point, number one sea weed was an evil plant waiting to wake up and drag me under, and two I’d never touch sea weed again.

Kara has conditioned me to be completely terrified of sea weed. I will not go anywhere near the stuff, and if I’m in a boat and we pass a huge batch growing under the water I get queasy, and even more terrified than a single piece floating around. I will also never touch the bottom of any body of water if I can’t see the bottom, ill swim as curled up as possible just to make sure nothing can touch me.

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