Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Extinction

There seems to be a recurring theme with my cousin Kara. The example of a point in my life where I experienced extinction one again takes place at my grandparents cottage, and with Kara.

One summer while swimming in the lake with my cousin I realized that she wasn’t going in the water past her ankles I found this strange since we never stayed so close into shore before. So very curious I asked her why she wasn’t going in any further.

Kara began to explain to me that all bodies of water had sharks and piranha in them. The more I fought with her the more she managed to convince me that there was in fact creatures in the water waiting to eat me.

This would later bring up hilarious questions at my other grandparents’ house when they observed not only me but my sister refusing to go any farther into the water then our ankles. Over time of being in the water I realized Kara was in fact ridiculous, and there was nothing to be scared off.

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